Drinagh, Co. Cork
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028-30510/30800 -
Mon 9am 5pm Tues-Fri 9am 6pm Closed for lunch 1pm 2pm Sat-Sun closed
Drinagh Feed Mill
Drinagh Mill is involved in the manufacture of animal feeds since the early 1970’s. Drinagh trades under the Score Drinagh Feeds logo. Our aim is to supply quality feed and nutritional advice to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
As a feed manufacturer we are directly involved in the food chain and therefore we take feed safety very seriously. Score Drinagh Feeds is proud to be assured and accredited with UFAS (Universal Feed Assurance Scheme).
Score Drinagh Feeds supply a comprehensive range of both ruminant (dairy, beef, cattle & sheep) and monogastric (pig & poultry).
Finished feed is available in bulk, minibulk and 25kg bags.
Donal Murphy
Mill Manager
Donal joined Drinagh Co-op in 1996 as an Agricultural Advisor / Sales Rep after graduating from UCD. In 2001 he was appointed The Feed Mill Manager and he is responsible for overseeing the operations of the entire feed manufacturing and delivery process of Drinagh Mill. He ensures compliance to all department and regulatory quality issues.